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Thursday, 18 June 2009
Mr Bell loves to read! It's true! Yet he has a problem...there are too many books out there! Can you please help him by recommending any good books you have read.
I love reading!
Mr bell do u like funny books horrid henry big bad book.
i love reading to, speacialy before i go to bed if i cant sleep i get a ... book because you relax and you are kind of studying for school. i speacialy like reading paul jenkins book and horrid henry book to. i hope that everyone out there are good readers and also that they enjoy it too !!!! jonatas 6g
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Mr bell do u like funny books horrid henry big bad book.
Mr Bell i love reading to it is like a hobbie i like reading horrid henry books,,paul jenning books too and Hannah Montana books
Georgina 6green
Ilove reading news papers and paul jennings books its so peaceful i also like reading hannah montana books and high school musical
tracy 6green
i love reading to, speacialy before i go to bed if i cant sleep i get a ... book because you relax and you are kind of studying for school. i speacialy like reading paul jenkins book and horrid henry book to. i hope that everyone out there are good readers and also that they enjoy it too !!!! jonatas 6g
mr bell i would reccomend the diary of arian mole by sue townsend. it is fab!!!!! i like horrid henry books as well even though their to easy for me.
tyreke 5 green
I like readind espaccly scooby-doo,captain underpants,funny books and action,adventure books.I like.
I like high school musical,hannah montana.
looks strange
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