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Friday, 3 July 2009

The Summer Fayre! At William Bellamy Junior School!

The PTA summer fayre is being held on Saturday 12th of September. It will be starting a 11 0'clock for the table top sale and 5-a-side football! The actual fayre will start at 11:30!

What can you do there?

- A table top sale (£8 if you want to set up your own table. Hurry: the spaces are going quickly!).

-Five-a-side football for Years 5,6 and 7! Ask the school about how to enter your team!

- Art competition for Years 4 and lower.

- Face painting

- Two bouncy castles

-Lucky dip

-Hook a duck

- A trained photographer

- The Fire brigade

-The police

- Saint Johns' ambulance

Plus: A a teacher will be in the stocks for your throwing pleasure!

Food! Food! Food! Food!

- Ice cream

- Burgers


You have to come!



tyron3b said...

First i going to play hook duck.

tyron said...

That good because we get to play with some of our friends.I like the hook the duck the best because I going to go fishing with my two uncle's and my dad.

tyron3b said...

That's good because we can play with some our friends.I like ho0ok the duck because one day I going to go fishing with my dad and two uncle's.

tyron3b said...

I like hook the duck because I will be going fishing soon with my two uncle's and my dad.I got a fishing seet too.